Mayuki Sano wins the Matsuno Prize at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the Meteorological Society of JapanDecember 15, 2023

Mayuki Sano, a second-year student in the Master Course in our laboratory, will receive the Matsuno Award for her presentation in the 2023 Autumn Meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan.
This award is given to students who have made an outstanding presentation on research that was conducted independently by the student and that has produced highly original and remarkable results. At the 2023 Fall Meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Mayuki Sano gave a presentation titled “Quantitative Evaluation of Night Sky Brightness around Japan Considering Atmospheric Environment (2)“.

I am delighted to receive the Matsuno Award. However, there are still many things that remain to be improved, and I will continue to devote myself to further developing my research.

Meteorological Society of Japan Announcement: Winners of the Matsuno Award at the 2023 Fall Meeting decided (