From November 4 to December 3, 2023, I joined Prof. Schmidt’s research group at the LASP lab at the University of Colorado at Boulder through Tohoku University’s Collaborative Research Program (COLABS). This lab has published papers related to 2023, and I was able to gain a better understanding of the latest research methods. This short stay was a valuable opportunity to work with researchers from many different countries (Germany, India, Japan, Taiwan, China, and the U.S.) and to deepen my knowledge of deep learning, which is my main research area.As my first overseas business trip, I also learned a lot about cross-cultural exchange and living conditions. Our research group had group meetings two to three times a week, plus individual meetings every day. Communicating in English was particularly challenging, as was successfully implementing the latest research methods. This experience contributed greatly to my personal growth as well as my research skills.(M1 Takayuki Masuko)