A part of our observation data is downloadable.

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Surface Station

CO2 concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica
CO concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica
CH4 concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica
CH4 concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica (grab-sampling)
d(O2/N2) at Syowa Station, Antarctica
SF6 concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica (grab-sampling)
CO2 concentration
at Ny Aalesund, Svalbard

CH4 concentration at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
d13C of CO2 at Ny Aalesund, Svalbard
d13C of CH4 at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
dD of CH4 at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard
d(O2/N2) at Ny Aalesund, Svalbard
d13C of CH4 at Churchill, Canada
dD of CH4 at Churchill, Canada


Aircraft Observation

CO2 concentration over Japan
CH4 concentration over Japan
N2O concentration over Japan
CO2 and CH4 concentration over Alaska


Shipboard Observation

N2O concentration in the western Pacific
CO2 concentration
between Ishigaki and Hateruma

Atmospheric d(O2/N2) and CO2 concentrations between Australia and Syowa Station


Ice core data

CO2 concentration in Dome F ice core
CO2 concentration in H15 core
N2O concentration in H15 core